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  • I carry so many memories,
    caresses that I've guarded over time

    A word - to cloud over my space - uproots my emotions with a pull

    I pause without speaking
    in this solitude I am
    desperate - intending to trap you.

    Lost in another's arms
    because of your silence
    I feel like a prisoner

    Capable of causing me pain
    to have you be mine
    I die inside

    How much I want to
    say I'm sorry
    To shout my reason
    That I don't have you

    A word
    Clouds my space
    Uproots my emotions with a pull

    I pause without speaking
    in this solitude I am desperate
    intending to trap you.

    Lost in another's arms
    because of your silence
    I feel like a prisoner

    Capable of causing me pain
    to have you be mine
    I die inside

    Lost in another's arms
    because of your silence
    I feel like a prisoner

    Capable of causing me pain
    to have you be mine
    I die inside

    Lost in another's arms
    because of your silence
    I feel like a prisoner

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  • Another day and you're not here
    I can't concentrate I only think of you

    They say that's enough
    That's its time to live
    And it's impossible
    Do you see what you left of me?

    Here is my body
    For you to do with what you want with it

    Here is my soul
    For it continues to follow you

    Here is my name
    So you can put a cross beside it

    Here is the end of my dreams
    Written on your paper
    Cruel Doll

    Here is my blood
    Though it jumps when they
    speak of you

    Here at last is my future
    And you're not in it
    Cruel Doll

    The rain comes again
    Everything feels bad
    I go to find you
    I don't know how to begin

    I sleep
    because I don't want to speak
    Look at my life
    it's a total disaster

    Here is my body
    For you to do with what
    you want with it

    Here is my soul
    For it continues to follow you

    Here is my name
    So you can put a cross beside it

    Here is the end of my dreams
    Written on your paper
    Cruel Doll

    Here is my blood
    Though it jump when they
    speak of you

    Here at last is my future
    And you're not in it
    Cruel Doll

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